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Haiti Update

PTL! Casimi was able to pick up our rice container at the Port yesterday! It was rough with the shooting and the gangs down there, but the angels were with him! Mission accomplished! Thank you for all your prayers.

Yesterday Sherry and I could not attend our Love A Child board meeting in Fort Myers. The board had a very good board meeting. Love A Child is well and strong. Thank you, Lord.

I had to rush Sherry to a dentist down in Naples for a dental emergency. She was in unbearable pain. I actually did this two days in a row, Wednesday and Thursday. This Monday, she will see another dentist for a follow-up.

We will hopefully return to Haiti this coming week. Sherry is doing so much better. No pain today!

We had to cancel our trip down to the Dominican Republic for tomorrow.

Jesse Ostrander will be taking our place.

He will be with the kidney doctor when he examines little Jackson for a possible kidney transplant. He will also be with Dieuferly when he meets with his doctor for his last appointments. Dieuferly is doing great!! Thank you, RL, for setting all of this up and for your perseverance. Philimond will be bringing little Jackson from Haiti to Santo Domingo (DR) to meet with the kidney doctor.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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