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Yesterday, the leader of the notorious Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang) was extradited to the U.S. to face many charges. One charge is smuggling in heavy arms from the United States into Haiti. Many areas of Haiti are in chaos more than ever. The Mawozo Gang is upset that other gangs are trying to take power from them. The streets in our area are more dangerous than ever. In some areas, people have been fleeing and running for their lives. Yet, nothing is on the news in America. Why?

Our 12 containers are still in Customs and Casimi is still unable to pull the containers out and travel down the road to us. More containers are in the ocean heading our way. We are praying that tomorrow will be better. Our hearts are broken more than you will ever know for the Haitian families that are hungry. The suffering of the children is unbelievable.

Praise the Lord! The late fees need we had has been met. God always has a ram in the bush!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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