Today is Sherry’s birthday! She is not getting older, but better.
I’m so thankful for Sherry in my life. What a wonderful gift from the Lord. I love her so much.
She is the mother of our two children and three grandchildren. We were married very young. She is the mother of 85 children in Haiti. Many Haitians call Sherry, Mom, in Haiti.
She rides mules for many hours into the mountains of Haiti. Conducts many mobile clinics deep in the interior of Haiti for the poor. She arises at 3:30 a.m. to start her day. She works tirelessly all day long.
I’m sure so many of you who have been to Haiti have never seen Sherry sit down for a meal, without phone calls, and have never sat through a meal without getting up to solve a problem. She may hear a child crying, or someone coming with a problem.
If you can drop Sherry a little birthday wish today it would bless her so much today.
Love is something you do… Love you baby… Happy Birthday!
Missionary Bobby Burnette