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“He” Has Ordered My Steps!

Today is our wedding anniversary! I actually thought we would be celebrating it at my favorite little restaurant in the States, but God orders our steps!

I met Bobby during a “tent revival,” in Orlando, Florida. He saw me at the back of the tent and the Lord told him that “the girl in the pink sweater will be your helpmate. You will marry her.” A short time after, Bobby took me out on a date to a Valentine’s Day banquet sponsored by our church, Rockledge Christian Center! He asked me to marry him on that first date and I knew God had chosen to put us together.

Now, we are in the “two-story orphanage” here in Haiti, that our partners built years ago. We are just about 8 miles from the gangs in Ganthier. I know what it means to trust in the Lord who “orders our steps!” Psalm 37:23-24

I have the best children in the States, the best grandchildren, the best husband, the best Haitian workers, and Haitian children. Who could ask for more? Bobby and I love you all “very much!”

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. At 4:30 a.m. Gilbert, who works for us, brought us hot coffee and flowers!

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