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He’s Such a Doll!!!

I will never forget the first time I saw him. We were deep in the mountains of Covant in a Mobile Medical Clinic. This poor father held his malnourished son in his arms… Swollen face and belly… His legs were splitting open from kwashiorkor malnutrition. I thought he was about a year old, but he was much older than that. His father said he was about five years old.

We brought him to our Love A Child Children’s Home, and he began to do well…

Then, about two years ago, while he was in school, something strange happened to him… He had a stroke! He was in the hospital for quite some time, and then he had lots of therapy. He is doing well now, except that he cannot run or play soccer and that makes him sad. But what a doll he is! Mackenson is quiet and respectful. He wants to be a schoolteacher for Love A Child! I told him to “hurry and finish his schooling and go to college and the job will be waiting for him!”

Haiti brings tears to my eyes. There is so much trouble on the streets; rioting, angry young men with no jobs, and high prices. All the schools are closed down. This sweet little boy just wants the schools to start, so that one day he can get a job and send money back to his family in the mountains! We really love Mackenson!! Sherry

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