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Tents Set Up Same Day!

A bad earthquake hit the Anse-A-Veau area yesterday morning. This is in the same area we are building our Gabion houses for those who lost their houses in August last year. Not one of our Gabion houses was damaged. PTL!

Praise report! Hubert, our Love A Child representative, had saved back a few tents from last time in case of emergency. By yesterday afternoon he had the tents up for families in the park and some in the interior!

Hubert and the workers have been working also passing out the food we had shipped last week by a miracle. We are believing the Lord by faith to purchase much more rice, beans, oil, and condensed milk for the children.

We are making plans to head that way soon. We are preparing now. Pray that we can make it through the gangs. They are worse than ever before. We are praying for them… Love is something you do.

Bobby Burnette

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