These pictures tell the story, without using any words. The poor people up in the mountains are begging us to come for a Mobile Medical Clinic. We would have planned to come earlier, but the roads were washed out (again).
Pastor Souffrance, who is over our Church in Peyi Pouri, is so highly respected by many people all over the mountains. He came to ask us to have a Mobile Medical Clinic weeks ago, but even with our 4-wheel drives, we could not make it… There were “no roads at all!” Not even our “Pinzgauer” could make it! We would need “a road!”
Everything would have to be “done by hand” … digging into the side of the mountains, removing heavy rocks, working on the roads, and removing the boulders… It was a “call to action!” Men, women, grandmas, grandpas, and children came. They were not being paid. They were “working for food,” and “working for a Mobile Clinic.”
They have been working for over a week now. We hope the road will be finished soon so that we can have a Mobile Medical Clinic. We will plan this for December or January, depending on the road work. The mountain people of Haiti are sweet, hard-working, and gentle… and poor. Even though we have a free Clinic, the people must take “motorcycles” to our Clinic. The price of gas and fuel has tripled since the gangs took over the fuel trucks. So, this means that the majority of these people cannot get to our clinic. We will have to “take the clinic to them!”
Thank you for your prayers, and financial support that keeps these projects going for the poor in Haiti!