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Actually there are three houses shown here with three families. One family moved in 25 family members, one 26 family members and one 28 family members! Jesse and Kim Ostrander, along with our crew plus Hubert’s crew were all in South Haiti last week checking on the Gabion house construction and dedicating houses being moved into.

This is their home and we let them move in who they want. Haitians love to be close to each other! They are very family oriented. We’re still building by faith more Gabion houses. It’s been raining out in South Haiti and many are still living in tents and under tarps. $9,000 will provide one Gabion house, and any amount will help.

The Haitians say “Anpil patat fe chai…” It means, “A lot of potatoes make a load…” When you give what you can, and others give what they can, it will “make a house!” Please help put your potato in today.

Love you… Thank you…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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