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“I Can Still Be Content…”

Have you ever been around someone who is always complaining, and can’t be content? It’s hard to be around them because before you know it, you will be complaining, too. It’s almost as if they had a “spirit” who sits on their shoulder all day and tells them what to complain about!

If they took a good look around, they would find out that God has already tried to bless them, but that “complaining spirit” has found a new home. Even if something good comes along, they would prefer the worst so that someone can hear them complain!

Stay away from them! God hates complainers anyway! You can never please them and they drag you down! Instead, hang out with the “God is Good” crowd! And, don’t be embarrassed if they tell someone about Jesus while you’re trying to eat your lunch! Jesus said, “If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you!” – Luke 9:26

Let’s learn to be content and at peace. Someone is always watching you!!!


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