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“In Spite of the Gangs…”

We are so proud of our medical team from our “Jesus Healing Center.” Despite the gangs and the threats, our devoted team has no intentions of leaving or abandoning their post! They are still here, taking on the worst cases imaginable! Some patients require a “lot of care,” but no one is in a hurry. These doctors do everything with all their hearts! They could have left when so many other employees left, on the “Biden plan,” but they didn’t!

Our clinic workers are steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, “forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” I Cor. 15:58

What you are looking at now is a wonderful group of professionals who really love the poor!

We are thankful to “Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope” for sponsoring our Jesus Healing Center Clinic financially each month! We are “so blessed!!”

We have the most beautiful clinic and the best workers, and we are blessed to have Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope sponsoring this clinic, especially “at such a time as this!”


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