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Jackson… “It’s a miracle that Jackson is alive!”

He has had to deal with severe medical problems since we brought him to our orphanage. We met Jackson during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Haiti. He had the most severe case of malnutrition I had ever seen! Jackson had been living with relatives since his parents had died, and the relatives who kept him fed him the wrong kinds of food.

When we found him, he was probably about ten and his belly was full of water. We brought him to our orphanage and began the long, difficult job of saving his life!

We are thankful for a donor partner who bought a portable dialysis machine for Jackson. He is on dialysis every night until morning. A nurse has to be with him each night. He is on a special diet and we have to send pictures of each meal to his doctor!

Jackson is short and looks like he is 12 but he is 17! He won’t get any taller. (He cannot play soccer or outdoor games with the other children.) Jackson just started school for this year. He is in 9th grade. Each day God gives him is a miracle!

Thank you got your love and prayers! Special thanks to his sponsors who have been helping with his medical needs. “God is such a Provider!”


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