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Jameson… “Looks Like a Professor!”

Jameson… “Looks Like a Professor!”

We first discovered this sweetie when his mother brought him to us from a village across from “Old Letant.” His mother had brought him to our old Clinic because he had sores all over him, in his eyes, and he was the most miserable little boy in the world.

He was in constant pain in his eyes and all over his body from a strain of eczema. The doctor we had then did not know what his problem was until we took him in, and began to study his condition. We still have no idea “what brings it on,” but he has spent most of his life being a horribly miserable and very depressed little boy. We finally knew what he had and how to treat it.

Today, he is doing well in school, but his eyes have been affected by the sun and he must wear sunglasses outside and eyeglasses in school. His room mother has to make sure he doesn’t take in too much sun. Jameson is such a sweetie! If we had to take in any more boys, they would have to be sweet as he is! We all love this kid!!!


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