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Jasson and Dieuferly Leave for the Dominican Republic

Jasson and Dieuferly Leave for the Dominican Republic

Early this morning, Jasson (Jackson) and Dieuferly left for the Dominican Republic, accompanied by Philimond, the best driver we have ever had, and the safest. We were “very concerned” about them crossing the Dominican Republic border because we had heard that 10,000 Dominican Soldiers were sent to secure the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

We just got a call through and they had “Joker” (our Dominican Republic mechanic) in the truck, and Philimond was flying “over the radar,” flaps up! Ha! They were in Baharona when we called.

Dieuferly had an appointment with his surgeon today for his examination because he had difficult “club foot surgery” over a month ago. (He has been in constant pain for years.) He is doing well but just had to check in with his surgeon. Jasson, as you may know, has kidney problems. Jesse Ostrander, a Love A Child missionary, found a specialist in the Dominican Republic that handles children with kidney problems. Jasson has an appointment with his kidney specialist for more tests. We are also trying to buy a Dialysis machine for Jasson so that he could have the treatments done at home here at Love A Child in the future, rather than trips to downtown Haiti, in dangerous areas, where gangs and kidnappers are waiting.

Jesse did a great job of finding these doctors, making all the arrangements, and much, much more. Thank you, Jesse!!! Sherry and I stayed behind because we are preparing to take the tents and emergency supplies back to Jérémie, in southern Haiti. We want to thank the Lord first, and all of you our wonderful partners for your prayers and support all these years, we love and thank you.  –  Bobby and Sherry

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