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Jasson’s Medical Trip

Jasson’s Medical Trip

This morning, early, Jasson left to go to the Dominican Republic with Philemond, our driver. Jasson has been to the D.R. several times before this, in regards to his kidney problems.

As you may know, when we found Jasson in the mountains (during a Mobile Clinic), his belly was “the biggest belly we had ever seen on a child!” He had “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition,” which means that he was: “bones and water.” This was the first step in his “kidney condition,” which is now life-threatening.

Although we had sent him to specialist doctors here in Haiti; I will not tell you about those experiences, but it was a nightmare. We finally took him to the Dominican Republic and found doctors who were experts in kidney problems and dialysis.

They started him on a very strict diet, and he did “OK,” but his kidney problems were getting worse. He could not be placed on a “transplant” list” because the Dominican Republic cannot accept patients from outside the D.R. They already have so many [kidney transplant patients] on the “list.”

We needed a “Pediatric Dialysis Machine,” that we could actually bring back to Haiti. But it was so expensive… Just when we were about to give up, God sent some wonderful partners who sponsored this machine for Jasson.

He will get his blood tests, etc., and this week, they will prepare him for dialysis. We are sending Jovanie (one of our Love A Child kids), who is also an RN, and Phanise, one of our Love A Child Jesus Healing Center Clinic nurses. They will leave Sunday to go and train on the dialysis machine with Jasson. When they come back with Jasson and the machine to Love A Child they will start Jasson on Dialysis here at our Love A Child Children’s Home. (Two of Jasson’s “brothers” will be allowed to sleep in his room, so he doesn’t feel isolated.) The machine will run all night long and hopefully, he will be able to go to school, etc., during the daytime. That is the first plan.

But, the “better plan,” would be that we find a “kidney donor” for Jasson… and the “best plan” would be for God to heal him.

“Finally, my brethren, when you have done all, stand…” Eph 6:13

We are doing “all we can for Jasson,” but from there, He is in God’s hands. Asking for your precious prayers.

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. We want to give credit and all our thanks to Jesse Ostrander, the son of Mark Ostrander. It has been “Jesse” who made all these trips to the D.R. searching for a doctor, getting all Jasson’s medications, making sure he stays on his diet, organizing all the trips, and the list goes on, and on! Thank you, Jesse! You are one special guy!

Bobby and Sherry

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