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Jean Gardy “The Banker”

He’s 22 but looks to be about 15! When Jean Gardy was very young, his mother died. His father asked us to please take care of him and let him come to live with us. We did.

At that time, we were in a very small, over-crowded building we used as an orphanage. Jean Gardy remembers how difficult it was to live there. And, he remembers how wonderful it was to move into our large, beautiful orphanage!

Jean Gardy has always had a “gift” for managing money — even small amounts. He is so good and concise with money, that he handles all the older kids’ money for school transportation, food, and supplies! They all prefer that Jean Gardy does this. We all call him “The Banker!” Ha!

One day, while I was in our truck, I looked “up” to the window of our flat-bed truck. I yelled, “Hey! Who’s driving that truck?”

Jean Gardy stuck his head out the window and grinned, “Hi Mom!!”

I said, “Jean Gardy!! You are not supposed to drive until you get your driver’s license!”

He replied sweetly, “Yes, I know it, Mom! I’ve had my license for over a year now!!”

Jean Gardy is in college studying economics and “accounting!” He may be another Love A Child employee one day! I hope so! He is so sweet and a “gift from God!” Sherry

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