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Jonas… a Gift from God!

Jonas… a Gift from God!

Jonas is such a sweet and funny young guy. He is now 18. For some time, he has been working and helping the mechanics. Vehicles are always breaking down, so there has been “plenty of work” for Jonas!!

We found Jonas during a Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Demesseau, where we had a Christian School. His mother had died and his father could not take care of him.

Jonas is sweet, funny, and mature. It doesn’t take much to entertain him… give him a “broken down piece of junk,” to work on, and he’s content. Jonas is now in a college that teaches mechanics. He will do well! And, he will always be able to find a job a Haiti! When he finishes his “Mechanic College,” he will, no doubt, volunteer at Love A Child and work under our great mechanics, “Joker Tony,” from the Dominican Republic and Caleb. We actually have quite a few… they have “lots of broken-down vehicles” to practice on!! Jonas is so sweet. He is a “gift from God.”




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