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Kenzy… “A Sweetie”

Of all our children, I would say that Kenzy is the sweetest! He is shy and has a little “sneaky grin.” We first met Kenzy when his mother brought him to our old Jesus Healing Center Clinic. His eyes were shut with a horrible infection. He had a running and oozing skin infection… and he was crying constantly. We agreed to take him in because where he was living, dust was blowing and he was constantly being returned to our Clinic with infections in his eyes and on his skin.

Kenzy was “sickly” all the time… As soon he got sick, we would send him to the doctor until we finally got a diagnosis that he had “Sickle Cell Anemia.” Poor baby! He helps pick up trash at the orphanage, helps to feed the turkeys, and works in the garden! He is quiet, but he is “cute and sneaky,” with a little grin. We love this kid! He loves soccer, puzzles, and toys! Kenzy is in first grade and he thinks he wants to be a teacher!! What a sweetie!!!


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