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Kidnapping Update

Kidnapping Update

Dear Friends,

This is a critical prayer request. Bobby went to church with the kids here on our property and asked me to update you on the kidnapping that took place yesterday. Many of you have probably heard by now that these were American missionaries traveling in a van with three children. At about 1:30 pm, everyone on the “Missionary Page” began getting texts from the missionaries that they were being kidnapped, and that the Papaya Gang was surrounding their van! It was indeed a kidnapping about to take place! The kidnappings took place near Ganthier, right down the street from us. We were all warned not to mention anything else by the Embassy and that they are handling this… These are precious missionaries, Mennonites, traveling with their children from Titayan, Haiti, to visit another orphanage. This can happen “to anyone” on the road, “at any time!” We do not know their names, but the fact that they are missionaries means that we are all “bonded together” for a purpose. These are “praying people” and we feel certain they will be released unharmed. The Embassy said that they and the State Department “are handling this,” and asked everyone on the “Missionary Page” not to talk about this anymore. And so, we did, but we all keep praying!

For all of us missionaries, these last three years have been “three years of hell!” We fear for our lives when trying to get to and from the airport, or “to and from downtown” buying supplies, or to and from a single day out on Sunday! All of us who have an orphanage know that our older children are under the threats of daily kidnappings, rape, or murders as they walk, or ride tap taps the long distances to school!!! For each of our missionary friends, a simple day of going to the Caribbean Market on Sunday, after church, and maybe going to a restaurant for a break is now gone. We used to visit with other missionaries, but not anymore. We, like others, cannot leave our property unless it is for “mission-critical” things. We are all tired of this. And sadly enough, we are tired of our country, the United States (who keeps its foot on Haiti), who is doing nothing to help us. All of us are missionaries who have devoted our lives for 20, 30 years, and longer to Haiti. 

We pray every day, but WE NEED OUR COUNTRY, OUR MILITARY, to intervene! If this doesn’t happen, you will be hearing about the kidnapping and deaths of not only Haitians but also of long-term missionaries who have given their lives for the people we love. We believe in the God of Miracles! We believe God can put the “enemy” under our feet!!!! Thank you for your love and prayers.

(Boots on the ground.)



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