Last evening was the last night of the crusade here in Fond Parisien, at Gwo Mache Mirak (Grand Miracle Market). Wow! The Haitians love to sing unto Jesus! Our hearts were so touched. Many had our school benches to sit on, but several hundred had to stand for about three hours. Haitians are hungry for the word of God and are needing a great move of the Holy Spirit in this country. Many came to know the Lord last evening!
I was so impressed by how Pastor Jonas, the President of the League of Pastors, had organized the crusade, along with all the other pastors of different denominations. The Crusade was for three nights but they only had a short time to organize everything! They did a great job!!!
The crusade brought glory to the Lord and touched Fond Parisien and all the surrounding areas. Frank Joseph put the crusade live on our LAC Radio Station! I’m sure I saw some “gang members” there last evening… We are claiming Haiti for Christ! Only what’s done for Christ will last!
Missionary Bobby Burnette