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Things are calm here in Fond Parisien. Our children are fine. Several thousand have fled from the gangs to the mountains, sleeping on the side of a road under trees. Some families are with a relative in the mountains in a very small house, no larger than a small living room in America. Many have two or three families on top of each other. It’s very heartbreaking.

Tomorrow, here in Fond Parisien, we will give 500 families who lost their homes due to gangs food for one week. Then we will do the same next week.

The 400 Mawozo gang is saying they will open the bridge just above Ganthier for traffic to come through on Thursday, the 15th. I’m hoping Fond Parisien opens the road on this end so the farmers from the mountains can take their produce to Port-au-Prince.

SOS! We need help! It seems like no one in the Haitian government cares what happens out here and in many other areas in Haiti. The Haitian government certainly does not care about their Haitian people. I have never seen a country abuse and treat its people like the way they do.

Now, the Kenyans are wanting $600,000,000 more dollars.

For what? This is a total scam to the Haitian and American people. A lot of folks are getting rich. Not the poor Kenyans. They are pawns in the game.

My respect to the few police and Haitian military, and the community brigade who have been risking their life to save our area from the gangs. They lost Ganthier to the gangs, but now they are stationed near us, ready to protect and fight! We still have some big surprises.

If we have ever needed your prayers, we do now.

Praying for Haiti. Praying for the gangs. All of this makes my heart very sad.

Bobby and Sherry, Founders of Love A Child

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