No internet all day until now. Thank you for your prayers. We had a 6-hour drive coming here to Anse-a-Veau. We are here safe.
Pray for Casimi, he leaves before daylight in the morning with our second 40-foot container full of tents. He must drive through the most dangerous place, probably in all of Haiti. Casimi is very brave and has nerves of steel! The angels work overtime with him!
Tomorrow morning, we will give out tents in Petit-Trou-de-Nippes (Ti Two de Nip, in Haitian Creole). The families will be coming in from deep within the mountains. Some of these places we cannot get to. The internet is very limited out here. I don’t know when you may hear from us again. Thank you, our friends, for all your help to make all of this possible. We are working together, showing the love of God.
Bobby and Sherry Burnette