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Container update: Good news!  

As you know, we’ve had 28 (mostly Feed My Starving Children food), containers in customs at Port Lafito now for three months. There are so many gangs outside the port on the road. Bringing any containers out is much too dangerous. We were facing late fees and government fees every day.  We decided to start moving all 28 containers to a different port by Port-au-Prince, by barge. We started doing this three days ago at a cost of $900 per container.

Thank you, the Lord supplied all the money for the 28 containers!! PTL! Soon many families will be receiving their Feed My Starving Children meals!! The desperation for food here is beyond belief. Thank you again for your prayers and help. Bobby

Hello everyone, this is Sherry. Bobby and I want to thank you for your love and constant prayers for our four Haitian children and ten Love A Child employees who were kidnapped on Tuesday, Dec. 20th. They are under stress and living each day in horror. One of our children, Lovely, desperately needs her medicine. But we feel that they will soon be released because so many people are praying for them. As the Lord told David, “that shalt recover all…” God bless you, Sherry

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