Haiti is in the worst crisis, with the worst unrest that we have seen in 27 years!
There are political problems in the government, lack of fuel (diesel and gas), high food prices, riots on the streets, manifestations, roadblocks with burning tires, and the worst thing is that the poor children suffer the most. Today, while you are reading this note, little children are searching for food in the garbage dumps or trying to find some empty plastic bottles to sell or pieces of wood to make charcoal.
“Forget about school.” For most of these children, that will never happen. They are in “survival mode.” They are just looking for something to eat today and then, they will wake up tomorrow and do the same thing again. Please remember the poor in your prayers. Haiti needs a miracle from God! Please pray and let the Lord speak to your heart to bless the poor in some way. Thank you for praying for Haiti.
Bobby and Sherry