Food Update: As we know, Haiti is in a food crisis. In the month of December, with your help, we have given out thousands of meals. In all of our years in Haiti, I’ve never enjoyed giving out food and being with the families and children, as much as we did this month… December is not over yet!
We have given out nine 40-foot containers of Feed My Starving Children meals (2,448,000 meals)! We are thankful to Feed My Starving Children for giving us an extra container of food this month!
With your help, we went beyond the Feed My Starving Children food and bought a 40-foot container of rice from Santo Domingo. We also distributed this food. Additionally, we paid for and picked up a 40-foot container of rice from the Port of Port-au-Prince, which has been distributed. We also just paid for another 40-foot container of rice to be picked up from the Port… In the process of doing that now. By faith, we are hoping to pay for two more containers of food next week from the Port of Port-au-Prince. Thank you for your prayers, love, and help financially, from the bottom of my heart.
Jesus said, “When we do it unto the least of these little ones, we do it unto Jesus himself.” (Matthew 25:40)