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Today, David and Angie George will be taking Dimelia to a hospital and doctor in the Dominican Republic for an evaluation to see if they can perform a release on her scarred chest area. Dimelia was badly burned when she was three years old and needs the release of scar tissue because her body is growing and stretching. We are praying that the Lord will work everything out for her.

Also, Carlos, one of our older boys, is wanting to go to school and get his certification in the operation of heavy-duty equipment. So, he left to go to the Dominican Republic with Philemond, Joker, and Dimelia!! He is getting all the information on the (Caterpillar) school. He is already a great operator of heavy-duty equipment, but this certificate would allow him to get a good job in the Dominican Republic, where his beautiful fiancée lives!! It would be a great “sacrifice” for Carlos, but he is willing to do it! Sherry

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