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Latest News: 9-1-2014 6:00 PM

Please pray that Love A Child will find hundreds of black school shoes, any size, tie up, Velcro, anything. The Department of Education has a school dress code for the majority of the schools that are licensed in Haiti. In a few cases, way up in the mountains, they can wear tennis shoes, but 95% of the schools require black dress shoes.

Haitians feel that the children must have uniforms and dress shoes for school to remind them that it is “very serious,” just as Church is very serious.

No flip-flops, cut-offs, jeans, etc. are allowed. All school children must have uniforms and black shoes to attend school.  We can use any size, boys or girls from age 3 to age 19. We have a lot of feet to cover! Please call (239) 210-6107 if you can help us. God bless, Sherry

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