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“Little Cilenska’s Story”

Madamn Lagarde sat on the tap-tap (public transportation) with her baby Cilenska. She had used all her money for the tap-tap from a village called Balan. She had two other children at home, but her little baby girl, 8-month-old Cilenska, was “near to her heart.” However, due to the food shortage in Haiti, among the poor, she had very little to give the baby. Food was rare and so was water. She had to walk a long way to get water from “the pipes,” and that was a long way.

In her little two-room house, there were 9 people living there. That is one reason why her children were not getting enough food… all the relatives were living with her.

When she arrived at the Jesus Healing Center with her baby, Dr. Barthelemy examined the baby and it only weighed 5.3 kilos (11.7 pounds). The baby was not “happy and laughing and crawling and playing”… She was just “laying there!” So, Dr. Barthelemy sent the mother and child over to our Malnutrition Clinic. She would have to stay until he was well enough to go home, on “out-patient” care. They had to feed her 6 times a day.

Finally, after a while, she began to gain weight. She got up to 6.2 kilos. When checked again, she was allowed to go into our “out-patient” program. This meant that she would still receive the special milk formula but Madamn Lagarde would also have a large box of Feed My Starving Children food to take home.

Now, Cilenska is doing well, and loving every moment! She is giggly, happy, and on the road to recovery.

There are many little Cilenska’s that will be coming to our Malnutrition Clinic. Pray about helping to sponsor this wonderful outreach monthly. We have a medical staff, pediatrician, nurses, mommies, and special foods for these babies. Just look at Celenska’s mother and father and how happy they are. Cilenska is going home!

God bless you,

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