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Little Miss Nazalie

Nazalie (also called Rachael) is nearly ten years old and is in 4th grade. She was the child of a very, very poor mother in very bad health. Nazalie was brought to us with a horrible skin infection, which we treated. After that, her mother begged us to take her. She was poor, in bad health, and already had too many children. So, we took Nazalie in to raise. She has been a blessing.

She can be “a little crazy” sometimes! She loves to imitate other kids and people! She is an expert at “jump rope!” She is little miss “Anti-Stress!”

Nazalie is a hard-working little girl! She helps quite a bit in the laundry room! She wants to be a nurse “at this time” but we will see. All of our kids are “hard workers” and they all love God! We love little Nazalie!!


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