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Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes

As many of you know, we recently bought a container of premium white rice and lots of huge tilapia fish to distribute to villages and share with many other organizations. We were hoping that we would have some containers of Feed My Starving Children meals come in, but they had not yet arrived, and “children in Haiti were hungry” and many orphanages did not have enough food.

One of these precious orphanages was started by our friend, Judy. She wrote and thanked us, and said that her children “had the fish with cooked corn!” Yesterday, a pastor told me that his children made a “fish sauce,” and put it over rice! Others fried it, but most all the Haitians made a sauce or boiled the fish, or put it in “patés”, like our children here did.

The tilapia fish have a lot of protein. Beans are “very, very expensive” here in Haiti and the poor cannot afford them, so, the fish was such a huge blessing. Today is Sunday and I can’t help thinking about the little boy who gave Jesus his “five loaves and two fishes” and Jesus multiplied them and fed thousands!! Mark 6:41

We want to thank the Lord and all our partners for making it possible for us to feed hungry children here in Haiti.

Bobby and Sherry

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