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Lomene Goes to Cooking School

Lomene Goes to Cooking School

As you may know, we found Lomene, (a restavek slave child) when she was cooking and caring for two families at a time. At that time, she was about seven. Her mother had died and she had been sent to care for two families. We brought her into our Love A Child Orphanage. We put her in school and she has tried hard… but her dream in life has been to be a “Chief Cook!”

“Nini” has been cooking for us and for all our visitors for over 30 years. We had hired Nini to wash clothes by hand because years ago, we had no electricity. She was washing our clothes by hand but we never knew she was a “good cook.” Nini is such a part of our life, and our family, and loves to cook! We had been letting Lomene “learn under Nini,” but it is going downhill. Bobby told Nini, “Just start her with eggs!” (Bobby likes his eggs over, medium, but not “flat on the floor!”) This morning, we had visitors, and everyone had “scrambled eggs.” Bobby decided to put Lomene to the test to see if she could cook some good eggs, that look like eggs when she is finished! Bobby was so upset. He said he’d never seen anyone who can cook an egg over, which turned out to look as flat as a razor blade!

Lomene is now graduating from Philo, the last year of high school. God bless her! Lomene tries so hard to cook, but she is getting worse every day! She just got through showing me the “Cooking School” she wants to attend! We will see… Bobby said she has to pass “eggs over” first! We will keep you updated on Lomene’s dream of being a cook! She may surprise us all!


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