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Love A Child Saves Lives…

The Story of Baby Lovencia

Peasant people from the mountains have always relied on their own “medicines” handed down from their parents. This is especially the case in regards to burns from charcoal fires and burns from boiling hot water (which are worse). In Mobile Medical Clinics, I have seen children’s arms wrapped with mud, spider webs, eggshells, etc. The little toddler we are talking about today is little Lovencia. She and her parents are from the mountains.

Her mother had left to go to the market, and Lovencia was left with her father, who wasn’t watching her too well. Lovencia pulled that pot of boiling water on herself, burning her face, neck, and chest.

Her parents made the “concoction” they had always made for burns and rubbed it on her. But Lovencia grew worse. Soon, Lovencia’s burns began to smell. Her parents were frantic and didn’t know what to do. A neighbor told them about the Love A Child “Jesus Healing Center” and told them, “you won’t have to pay anything,” and “they will even give you the medicines you need.”

When her parents brought the baby into the ER, the doctor and nurses could “smell the infection.” It took a while, but with great care, the nurses and doctor removed all the “stuff” they had put on the burns. They then had to debris this area of infection. Afterward, they bandaged up Lovencia’s wounds, gave her parents medicine, and then Pastor Luckner prayed with them. They headed home with a happy heart, and they were told to return in a week. Each day, a new situation arrives in our Clinic. They get such good care that everyone calls this a “Hospital.” Her parents will bring Lovencia back in a week for Dr. Barthelemy to check the burns and continue the treatment. Lovencia’s parents are very thankful for the Jesus Healing Center, its partners who helped build it, and Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring the operating cost each month!

Special thanks to each one of our partners who helped buy all the items we needed and still keep us in your prayers. We love you, and without your help, there would be many “Lovencia’s” that would die. Love A Child “saves lives,” and that’s because we all work together! Sherry

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