In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, many of our Love A Child schools were severely damaged. We are now rebuilding or renovating those schools, one-by-one, by faith alone. The precious children of Haiti are this country’s future. Most Haitians hope their country will create a better future for their children, but it is a struggle. One of the best ways to help the children of Haiti is through education, but Haiti’s public school system is out of reach for many poor Haitians living in rural areas. All our Love A Child schools bring hope to the children through a strong Christian education, a hot meal each day and routine medical care. The way we accomplish this is through our Child Sponsorship Program. Read Sherry’s Journal today to see how you can change the life of a child in Haiti. Love Is Something You Do. Bobby and Sherry

Love A Child Schools in Haiti: 2-25-18 4:45 PM
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