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Love Is Something You Do!


Gabion house update from southern Haiti: House number 32

Darius Therese is seventy-six years old and homeless since the earthquake last August 14th in southern Haiti. She is overwhelmed with joy knowing she will no longer live under the trees under a tarp but will have a strongly built house in a few weeks. Her house is under construction now! She is so thankful and very happy.

Update: We have built 30 Gabion houses in southern Haiti with 30 families that have moved inside. We are now working on the next set of 30 houses. We build 30 houses at a time, taking all the materials to the different job sites. Thank you Opedale, Hubert, and team for all your hard work. We are believing that we can do 100 Gabion houses to begin with, and then see what the Lord says from there.

Please pray and help be a part of this project to bless the earthquake victims of southern Haiti. A special made three-bedroom house with a front porch costs $9,000. All made from local materials and local labor supplying jobs. Think about building a house in the memory of a loved one or give what the Lord places upon your heart. We are building by faith! We are believing the Lord for 30 more houses. Thank you for your prayers and financial help.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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