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Madamn Eliante takes her job seriously!

Madamn Eliante takes her job seriously!

Jesus, Our Jesus Healing Center, and Prayer!

What could be better than this?

Each morning, before we start our day at the Jesus Healing Center, we have prayer and Bible reading. One of our church ladies (who is also a cleaning lady at the Jesus Healing Center), has the “charge” to open the Book of Remembrance” and have everyone pray over all our donors.

Inside this book are the names of our partners who helped with gifts, small and large, to build our Jesus Healing Center! Madamn Eliante takes this “very seriously” to pray over our “Book of Remembrance ” each morning! In fact, sometimes our doctors have to “give her a little nod,” to say, “I’m sure the Lord heard that prayer! Now, we have lots of sick people to take care of!” Ha.

Many times, Madamn Eliante holds the “Book of Remembrance,” up and they pray over all the names… and sometimes, she carries the book around and prays over it as she is walking!! One thing for sure, we have the Word of God, prayer, good doctors, and the “Great Physician!” Whoever comes is “in good hands!”

Thank you, partners, for helping us build this wonderful clinic, and thank you Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for your monthly support of our Jesus Healing Center!

Bobby and Sherry

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