These four children will all soon be receiving medical care:
Dieubon will be going to the Shriners in Tampa, FL for evaluation of his spina bifida and possible surgery. Dimelia will be going to Boston for another surgery needed on her neck and chest, from burns suffered when she was four. Dieuferly has had severe problems since being operated on by U.S. forces here in Haiti in the early 1990’s. He will receive his operation in June from a Canadian Orthopedic team coming to Haiti. Shalken will return to the States to have his tumors checked and to be placed into a treatment plan. Caring for sick children and those in need of surgeries is very expensive, if you would like to help sponsor one of these children, please call our office at (239) 210-6107 and ask to speak with Shar. God bless you, Sherry