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Mikael… A Prodigal Son Returns

Mikael is one of our older Love A Child kids. He knows what it means to know “The God of the Second Chance.” He did well for many years, but like so many young men… he got into trouble. He left and we did not see him for a while. But one day, we saw him and decided to give him another chance.

We always have buildings that need painting and repair. So, we hired him for our “painting team.” He has done well! He is “finicky” about painting and always does a good job. We have learned that college is not for everyone. Each child must find what they like, and something that gives them satisfaction with a job well done! He always has a smile on his face! We are thankful that we serve a God whom, even though we mess up, He is waiting with “arms wide open.” We love Mikael!


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