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Mobile Clinic Update

Due to political unrest in the country, and the recent earthquake disaster, we have been unable to conduct any Mobile Clinics. We have been “packed and ready to go,” but there were always problems in the way… one of them being the number of gangs in many areas of Haiti. For some time now, Haiti has been a “Level Four,” which means “Do Not Travel!” This has greatly hindered our work because we could not bring in teams as we have before. However, now we are preparing for our next Mobile Clinic and we have several areas that need help and have asked us to come. Even though we may not be able to bring in teams from the States, we can take some of our doctors and nurses from our Jesus Healing Center and leave a smaller crew at the Clinic, and they can work longer hours.

The need is great. People in the mountains cannot afford to go to a Clinic, and they cannot even afford to pay a small amount to travel by “tap-tap” (local transportation). Fuel here is really scarce. It is difficult to find fuel and these public “tap-taps” are hard to find. There are some villages that will not travel to a clinic at all… they prefer to use things they have used before… such as putting dirt, eggshells, and cobwebs on a horrible burn from boiling water! That’s why our Mobile Clinics have to come to them. A lot of work must be done ahead of time. All medicines must be labeled and organized. It is a lot of work, but very rewarding. We will be sharing with you, where and when, the next Mobile Clinic will be. As always, Jesus is the Great Physician! God bless you, Sherry

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