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More Beans!

This morning we unloaded another load of beans. The Haitians love their beans and rice. This is their staple diet. (Most cannot afford them.) One time we brought our Haitian Director Nelio to Florida on his first trip to America.

We took him out, buying him steak, chicken, seafood. Then, on the third day, he asked us could he just have his beans and rice every day! He said, “I’m dying without my beans and rice!” So every day, he had his beans and rice.

We bought the beans, including the shipping from America, for $15,000. Beans here are way too expensive to buy here in Haiti, and they are hard to find. Please pray about helping in the future with some beans.

Thank you for all your help.
Missionary Bobby Burnette

P.S. PTL for the money to buy the semi. We are rolling!


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