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More Twins Daniel and Daniella

I mentioned yesterday that we have three sets of twins at the Love A Child Children’s Home. Yesterday, you heard about Mika and Mikalange. Today, you will see Daniel and Daniella.

This particular set of twins should have died in childbirth. They were supposed to be “triplets.” But, at the time of their birth, there were political problems in the streets. Their mother made it to the poor peoples’ hospital, and a man with a gun told her to “Leave!” She got back in her “tap tap” (method of transportation in Haiti), and she left. There was no one to deliver the babies, and she was by herself. She gave birth to two and then, the mother and the third baby died. One of her relatives brought the twins to us.

Daniella looked small but normal, but Daniel, her brother, looked like a little rat! He was so, so tiny we didn’t think he would live. But, Daniella was the “strongest” of the twins. She began to talk before Daniel; she was motivated and moving around long before he was. So, she started school two years before he did.

Daniella will be in her last year of school, Philo. Daniel will be in 10th grade, three grades behind her. Daniella helps with the girls’ “praise dances!” She also has a beautiful voice. She is “Widelene’s right hand.” Widelene is the young girl who watches over all the orphanage food and supplies that come in and writes everything down. When Widelene is not here, Daniella does it. It is quite a job. For example, if a room is out of tissue, they don’t get any unless they bring the empty roll! The same with toothpaste, etc. This keeps things from “disappearing!”

Daniel is a “goofball!” He jokes around all the time. But, he, too, is easy-going and sweet! Daniel is very “calm.” Believe it or not, he loves “cleaning his room!” He also loves working with the mechanics, and that is what he wants to be. He is sweet and respectful, and obedient.  Daniella wants to be an eye doctor. One that deals with eye diseases because this is what her brother has…an eye disease. We love these sweet twins!



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