The “Moses we know from the Bible” was placed in a basket by his loving mother and then the basket was placed in the river. She was trying to save her son from being killed. Soon, he was found and rescued. God used Moses in a great way…
“This Moses” has a different story. His real birth mother didn’t want him, so she went to a filthy “Haitian outhouse,” not to save her son, but to kill him. She let her baby fall into the depths of sewage, and then she left hearing his faith cries for help. But a poor Haitian man heard his cry, tied a rope around his waist, and lowered himself into the filthiest place imaginable! He brought the baby up in a bucket covered with human waste and struggling for air. He took the baby to a hospital where they checked him and called us to take him in. We called him “Moses!”
Moses is now 16 years old and alive and well! He wants to be a doctor, so he can help his people! What an amazing story of God’s grace! Sherry