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MSPP Seminar

MSPP Seminar

We are so excited about our new Malnutrition Center. We now have five babies. This morning, the mothers were sitting in rocking chairs, feeding their babies! Most mothers will not be able to stay a long time because they live far and have other children, but these mothers love their babies and will stay today and then go home.

We were excited about the seminar we had through the Department of Health here in Haiti (MSPP); they came yesterday and went through many things they require of our doctors, nurses, and “mommies.” Yesterday, they talked about nutrition aspects, food groups, and eating healthy, even though most mothers do not have much for their children.

They studied acute and chronic malnutrition and in-patient and out-patient therapy. They talked about anthropometrics measurements and how to respect the MSPP Program, and much more. These little ones will be better off the more our doctors and nurses can learn. One thing is for sure; there is “no lack of love” around here!!! These babies are cuddled and held and rocked, and now, “they are spoiled!” Ha! A warm, cuddling “mommie” and a rocking chair help a lot!!!

God bless all our friends who helped us build this Malnutrition Center, and thank you to those of you sending in blankets and infant clothing for boys and girls!!!

Bobby and I send our love from Haiti!!


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