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Much Needed Help from Jovanie Jean

Much Needed Help from Jovanie Jean

We took Jovanie in to live with us when she was just about six. She had “red hair,” from malnutrition, and it took a long time for her hair to turn black.

Jovanie is very intelligent and graduated from a nursing college in Leogane, Haiti. After that, she went to Hinche, Haiti to become a midwife (saj fam, in Creole). Just as she was in her first year, loving everything she was learning, coronavirus broke out.

Everything closed up, as it did in the states. So, Jovanie is back at Love A Child and volunteering her services at our Birthing Center, where she is still learning every day. We will all be glad when we can get our lives “back to normal.” We are proud of Jovanie and all our Love A Child kids. They all have a dream to reach for. Sherry

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