When we took her in, I thought her name was not fitting for her, so we have always called her Rachael!
The first time we saw her was when her “very poor” mother brought her to us. She had a horrible skin infection. We gave her medication, but her mother always came back with her.
We finally thought that, like Jameson, the skin condition would only get worse if we let her go back with her mother.
Since she has always had “re-occurring” head infections, we had to shave her bald!! She is doing better!
Nazalie (Rachael) is doing good in the 6th grade!
She helps with the younger children, cleans her room, and does ironing! Her favorite thing is jumping rope, and she wants to be a nurse (but that may change).
We love her! She’s a little “hell-cat” when playing ball with the boys!! We think that will change when she turns about 16! Ha!