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Nelson is Loved!

Nelson is Loved!

“He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, “and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of Glory.” 1 Samuel 2:8

How does a child go “from this” to “this?” The answer is “God is love.” Nelson had always been abused by his father and mother. When he was about two and a half they thought something was “wrong with him” because he could not stand or walk. He could not talk either. They thought he was “stupid” or that an evil spirit had taken him over. They abused him and time after time, I saw them grab him by one arm and sit him down on the ground, on his knees, naked… in the hot sun with no water, and no food. Until one day, I “had enough.” I picked him up, dirty, filthy, full of scabies, and took him back to the orphanage. We gave him a warm bath, clean clothes, plenty of food and lots of love. The only thing that was wrong with Nelson, was that he was starving to death. He was too weak to stand or walk and too afraid to talk. All the children called him, “Pa Bezouin.” It means, “I don’t need you.” The change in his life was like going from a prison to a palace.

Nelson is now nine years old and in third grade and he wants to be a “mechanic!” He can also dance and sing, and oh, yes… I forgot to mention, he is an “acrobat!” He turns flips and summersaults! He is so smart in school and makes top grades! The Bible says that “God lifts up the beggar” from the dunghill and setteth him among the princes!” Way to go, Jesus!

Thank you, Lord, for doing that for Nelson, and God can do the same for you. He can “lift you up” higher than you have ever been! Don’t ever think that God has forgotten you… He has not. You may not be in the same shape as little Nelson was, but you may be blind spiritually, starving emotionally… But God sees you as “what you will be!” He sees you as what He always knew you could be!! The same God that lifted up little Nelson is here, to lift you up today!


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