“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.” — Proverbs 3:27
When we are capable and willing to help our neighbors in Haiti learn new skills so that they can take care of themselves, we are really helping them for generations to come. The third session of our popular 2-year-long class in sustainable agriculture started this week, with 18 eager students from the Fond Parisien area.
Over the next two years, these students will have class 2-days a week to learn the “best practices” for improving and protecting their environment, raising nutritious gardens, and improved hygiene and sanitation. These students and their families depend upon your donations in order to attend this school to gain skills to help lift them from their poverty. They will be able to grow their own food and even have some to sell in the marketplace. Thank you to those donors who understand the importance of providing dignity through self-reliance and who help us to have these programs to help Haitians learn how to help themselves.
Rad Hazelip
Assistant Executive Director