Monday began with our latest three-week Agricultural Training Center (ATC) School for sustainable gardening in Haiti. We have five students who were sponsored by other organizations working to help Haitians with sustainable development. These students come from many different areas around Haiti. They will study, work, and live together for three weeks at the ATC in order to learn new sustainable gardening methods. These methods will afford the students, their families, and communities to have a better life by helping them to reliably grow more nutritious food where previously they might not have been able. Many times these sponsored students return to their home areas and begin passing on their new knowledge to others, thereby extending this help to the entire community. When you sponsor these students to learn “farming God’s way” you are making a way for many, many families to become self-sustainable. God bless those of you who help these families break their cycle of poverty. Rad Hazelip
New Class of Students at the ATC: 3-12-19 12:00 PM
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