Twenty-five Haitian couples were married in our Fond Parisien Church today! A special thanks goes to all those who donated wedding gowns and we also thank the Hotes Foundation for donating all the wedding rings and so many others who helped. When the Pastor asked, “Is there anyone here who objects to this couple being married?” (He did this for each couple.) One woman started hollering and screaming, “He was mine before he was hers! He belongs to me!” Then she yelled and started screaming and crying and throwing a fit! The security guards had to carry her outside! But they all got married!!! Thank you, Pastor Narcisse, for a job well done in marrying these couples!
PS: Oh yes, Pastor Narcisse found out that one of the “grooms” just had sex with some other lady this week and wasn’t serious about marrying. Pastor Narcisse refused to marry him! Ha! Haiti! Sherry