The water is coming for the village of Fond Parisien, Haiti area!! PTL! Three weeks ago, when we tried putting in the submersible pump and all the underground pipe, we had a connection problem to our big motor and had to have a special 15 – pound part made in America and shipped down to Haiti.
On Saturday, the connection was made, and the water came!! Listen to this, 1,200 gallons per minute! All the village people were so excited. They have been without water for about eight months now. But, you have to remember; no water pipes go to people’s homes like where you may live. So everyone must bring their buckets for water to take home.
The farmers have been hurting because there was no water for their crops. Now, they have water. Canals are dug down to each farmer’s plot of land.
Thank you, Academy Cathedral and Pastor Elaine Britt from Inglewood, Ca. for sponsoring this project. Water gives life! The entire area says thank you.
Thank you, Blue Ridge well drillers, Jesse Ostrander and Bryon Ray, for all your hard work.
We love you!
Bobby Burnette