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No Place For People Like Me…

No Place For People Like Me…

Imagine you live in Haiti where there is no work, and where many people are suffering from hunger. Imagine that no one cares about you, because they all have their own problems… Stress is invading the lives of the happy Haitians, due to the lack of security, the gangs, the killings. Children are afraid to go to school, and it is hard for the Haitians to have a normal life at all.

Madamn Sonia is 42 and already has seven children. She is from the faraway mountains of “Barassa,” in the area of Fonveret, high up in the mountains. She had given birth to all seven children “on the dirt floor,” and all by herself, without a local midwife. She really struggled with the other births because she was by herself.

So, when she was having “baby number 8,” she was really afraid she would die and leave seven children behind. She heard about the Birthing Center and decided to go. But, when she arrived, she was afraid. She looked at the building and thought, “This place is too nice for me. I have no money.” Then she thought, “This place is not built for people like me.” She did not know how much it would cost for the consultation and for the childbirth, because her husband was just a poor farmer. She thought, “my husband is just a poor farmer, and this is no place for people like me.”

When she came in, everyone, the staff, the nurses, the midwives were all so friendly. They told her that this Birthing Center was for mothers who had no money. She did not pay a penny for the consolation, the examination, the sonogram, nor the delivery! She raised her two hands and began to bless the Lord!! She felt so good that she did not have to lay on a “dirty old cloth” for delivery.

She was a little nervous about the delivery, because of her health. Her baby weighed 2.2 kilos and was born early, at 8 months. Thanks to great midwives, good medicine, a clean room, and a God that loves her, she gave birth to her son. Then, after they cleaned her up and cared for her, they brought in a box of “gifts” from a Love A Child partner! God “loves the poor,” and He loves people, who love the poor! Thank you so much!!!

Bobby and Sherry

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