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Noah Meets Santa!

Noah is about four years old. He is one of the sweetest kids in our Love A Child Children’s Home! He is not afraid of anything and never meets a stranger he is afraid of… Well, not until this big white dude came into town! Ha! Years ago, someone gave us this Santa Claus, but this is the first time Noah has seen Santa! (The kids are getting ready to decorate for Christmas!) Noah has been “in hiding” all morning until I made him come out! At least now he can look at Santa, but I can assure you that he’s not getting any closer to that white beard! Poor Noah!! Well, he’ll get over it! Noah wants to be a mechanic when he finishes school, but we think he would make a good football player. That is unless someone on the other team has a “big white beard!” We all love you, Noah! Sherry

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